NOELA Application
Nomination Guidelines and Form for the Aret Adams Award
The NAPE Outstanding Earth Science Lecturer Award (NOELA) honours NAPE members who, through active leadership and scholarly endeavours over a period of not less than ten (10) years, have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of education in the earth sciences and helped to foster students’ lifelong learning and success.
To be eligible, nominee must be:
- An Earth Science lecturer in a Nigerian tertiary institution (publicly/privately owned), who is an Active and financially up-to-date member of NAPE. Consistent payment of annual dues for a sustained minimum period of 5 years shall be required.
- Be committed to promoting NAPE ideals and best teaching practices and show active involvement and leadership in professional development and community activities (intellectual, professional, residential, etc.).
- At the time of nomination, be a lecturer/trainer employed or contracted by a tertiary institution in Nigeria for all or part of the period from January 1 to December 31 of the preceding year – whether full-time, part-time; fixed-term or permanent basis. Evidence of academic qualifications must be submitted with the application.
- Spent a significant amount of time in direct contact with, and instructing students, for the period under consideration, towards the attainment of nationally recognized tertiary qualifications for such students (e.g., HND, OND, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD)
- Be a positive role model who supports students’ achievements. Nominee must facilitate, challenge, influence, motivate and inspire creativity and learning in students of all backgrounds and abilities.
- Have a broad understanding of research-based models for effective teaching and be aware of current trends and issues in Earth Science education. Nominee must also demonstrate a mastery of subject and noteworthy scholarly contributions by way of publications and, or technical paper presentations.
- If at any time (before and after the award has been conferred), it comes to the knowledge of NAPE that the winner is ineligible for the award, NAPE reserves the right to withdraw the award and declare it null and void.
- Candidates for this award must indicate their consent to be so nominated.
- Individuals may apply themselves or nominate a colleague for the award. Anyone previously nominated may re-apply.
- Nominations must be sponsored by at least two active NAPE members who are financially up to date, and who are within the tertiary education system, and must be endorsed by the President of the NAPE Student Chapter of the nominee’s university if one exists. Endorsement of the application and a supporting statement by the nominee’s Head of Department is an added advantage, but not compulsory.
- Completed nomination forms and supporting documentation such as letters of recommendation from colleagues, administrators, and students attesting to the professional conduct of the candidate shall be forwarded as directed by NAPE.
- Other guidelines may be provided by NAPE from time to time.
- Only one (1) award may be given annually.
- Nominees must not have been disciplined under Section 7 or Section 12 of the NAPE Constitution.
- Nominees must be alive at the time of selection and must be personally present to receive the award. NAPE Honours and Awards shall not be given by proxy except for posthumous awards.
- Serving Executive officers of the Association are ineligible for consideration while in office.
- Advisory Council members are not eligible to nominate or endorse nominated candidates for any category of NAPE Distinguished Honours and Awards while serving on the Council.
- Advisory Council members are not eligible for consideration for NAPE Distinguished Honours and Nominated Awards while serving on the Council.
- Members shall not sponsor more than 2 nominees for NOELA award.
Submitting Nomination Forms:
- All applications for NOELA award are to be made on standard templates provided by the HAC and shall be completed online in accordance with the instructions contained therein.
- Attach supporting documentation, such as the nominee’s curriculum vitae, in line with the criteria for the award concerned.
- Individuals may submit a nomination form on behalf of themselves or on behalf of others. Anyone previously nominated may re-enter.
- Applicants are to advise their sponsors to respond to the email seeking their reference within the time frame specified in the request.
- Applications or endorsements received after June 30th, 2024, shall be deemed invalid.
- Upon receipt, applications become the property of NAPE and will not be returned to applicants